Friday, July 10, 2015

A Whisky Alphabet - "A"

I thought I'd see if I could think of as many whisky-related words as I could, for each letter of the alphabet. Because I'm writing it, my alphabet will be biased toward Scotch -- but followers are encouraged to show my extreme ignorance by commenting and adding to my lists. I'm just doing this for fun and because I think it would be neat thing to crowd-source a whisky alphabet.

  • Arran
  • Aberfeldy
  • Aberlour
  • Abhainn Dearg
  • Alba (means "Scotland" in Scottish Gaelic)
  • Angel's Share (a movie about whisky, sort-of, set in Scotland)
  • Ardbeg
  • Ardmore
  • Auchentoshan
  • Auchroisk
  • Aultmore

Mostly that list was distillery names but feel free to add names of processes, by-products, tools, etc.

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